A divorce recovery handbook for children aged 6 to 12, an excellent resource for families, counsellors, teachers and community workers.

Since the divorce, Liam hates feeling like his life is out of his control. He is angry about giving his dog away and moving house. In fact, he is angry all the time. He often feels down and can’t seem to bounce back to his usual upbeat self. He secretly wonders whether the whole divorce wasn’t actually his fault. When his father remarries, he finds the reality of a blended family very hard.
Emily feels insecure and lonely. She is fearful of many things, including the possibility that her mother may leave too, just like her father did. When her mother brings home a new boyfriend, the changes threaten to overwhelm her.
Between the meaningful conversations with trusted adults and the spiritual wisdom offered by the Bible, Liam and Emily begin to adapt to the changes divorce brings. Amidst tears and laughter, they find hope, resilience and acceptance to the new direction their lives are taking.
‘The Mending Chronicles of Liam and Emily’ is designed for kids to reflect on their own divorce story. The fun, downloadable activity pages provide a safe space to process, problem-solve and reflect on their own reality. There’s a big emphasis on emotional intelligence with lots of emotional vocabulary to help kids find the right words to express themselves effectively. With its gentle spiritual message, it also offers a deeper path to divorce recovery.
Aimed at children aged 6-12, and can be used by families, counsellors, teachers and community workers.
Finalist, 14th Annual National Indie Book Awards
“This is a much-needed book for kids of divorced parents.” Juliette Ras, Child counsellor (M.Th Child Counselling)
Format: eBook
Pages: 92
ISBN: 978-1-9993499-2-9

The Mending Chronicles of Liam and Emily is a compelling self-help divorce recovery handbook for kids. It aims to provide a safe space for children to process their emotions and responses to divorce and empower them to communicate effectively with those around them. The divorce recovery handbook also potentially highlights any misconceptions surrounding the divorce that children could have which may affect future relationships.
- Liam and Emily’s story is accessible and relevant to most children and is interspersed with attractive and fun activities offering reflection, strategic problem solving, and self-expression.
- Highlighted in the story are these common emotions and responses to divorce:
Rejection, anger, fear, guilt, grief, accepting change, independence, and loving others. - Emotional intelligence is promoted through lots of emotional vocabulary and interactive activities. Readers will benefit from improved social skills, self-confidence, and emotional well-being.
- Spiritual inspiration is found through references and scriptures from the Bible offering hope, faith, and healing.
Aimed at children aged 6-12, The Mending Chronicles of Liam and Emily, divorce recovery handbook can be used by families, counselors, teachers, and community workers.
“A treasured piece of work, beautifully illustrated, outlining the difficult emotions and way of recovery for every child facing the impact of divorce on their family. Natalie tenderly leads the reader and child through a range of possible emotions which undoubtedly will help children identify and talk about their deepest fears. Along with the spiritual wisdom and guidance from the story of Liam and Emily, this divorce recovery handbook has the capacity to ensure children develop a healthy strategy for life as they negotiate change. Useful not only for parents or main caregivers but also for any adults involved in helping children and their families finding healing through their pain.” Carolyn Rae, Director, Hope Counselling, Aberdeen
Format: Paperback
Pages: 98
ISBN: 978-1-9993499-0-5

Sedert die egskeiding voel Liaan asof sy lewe buite beheer is. Hy haat dit. Hy is vies daaroor dat hy sy hond moet weg gee en dat hy moet trek. Hy is konstant kwaad. Hy voel gereeld hartseer en sukkel om na sy ou, gelukkige self terug te keer. Stilletjies wonder hy of die egskeiding nie dalk sy skuld was nie. Hy sukkel ook met die realiteit van ‘n gemengde gesin nou dat sy pa weer trou.
Emma voel onseker en alleen. Sy vrees baie dinge, onder andere dat haar ma hulle ook sal verlaat. Wanneer haar ma ‘n nuwe kêrel aan hulle voorstel, voel sy oorweldig deur al die veranderinge.
Deur betekenisvolle gesprekke met betroubare volwassenes en geestelike waarhede vanuit die Bybel, begin Liaan en Emma aan te pas by die veranderinge wat die egskeiding meebring. Ten midde van trane en lag, vind hulle hoop, veerkragtigheid en aanvaardig in hierdie nuwe seisoen.
‘Die Reis van die Dapper Hart’ is geskryf vir kinders om oor hulle eie storie ten midde van ‘n egskeiding te besin. Die pret aktiwiteitsblaaie, wat van die internet gelaai kan word, skep vir elke kind ‘n veilige ruimte vir prosessering, probleemoplossing en refleksie op hul eie realiteit. Emosionele intelligensie word beklemtoon en die voorsiening van emosionele woordeskat laat die kind toe om die regte woorde te kies om hulself sinvol uit te druk. Deur ‘n sagte, geestelik boodskap, rus die boek ook die leser toe op ‘n dieper vlak.
Aimed at children aged 6-12, and can be used by families, counsellors, teachers and community workers.
“Hierdie is ‘n noodsaklike boek vir kinders van geskeide ouers.” – Juliette Raas Kinderberader (M. Th Kinderberadering)
Format: eBook
Pages: 97
ISBN: 978-1-9993499-4-3
“You know your kids are affected by the divorce and they seem okay, but….”
“How do you know what’s really going on inside of them?”
“How can you better communicate with them and get them talking to you?”

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What is your role as a parent in helping your children process all that divorce has brought? What is ‘The Mending Chronicles of Liam and Emily’ all about and why is it so effective? This short eBook is a parent guide to the divorce recovery, self-help book for children called ‘The Mending Chronicles of Liam and Emily’. This vital companion offers everything a parent needs to know and do while their children are working through this self-help book. A potent yet quick read that covers:
- How to create and foster a safe space at home for children to process their feelings
- Understanding why emotional intelligence is so important to divorce recover
- How to practically facilitate and improve communication between yourself and your children
- How to deal with any misconceptions that have cropped up during and after the divorce
- How to include spirituality in the healing process
- When to call for professional help y
Be part of the answer, share in your children’s divorce recovery journey and move forward together.
Format: eBook
File size: 3730 KB
Pages: 49
ISBN: 978-1-9993499-3-6

Wat moet jy as ouer doen om jou kind te help om alles wat met die egskeiding op hulle afgekom het te hanteer? Waaroor gaan Die Reis van die Dapper Hart en hoekom is dit so geslaagd? Hierdie boek is ʼn ouergids tot Die reis van die dapper hart, ʼn selfhelpboek vir kinders wie se ouers skei. Dié noodsaaklike gids bied alles wat ʼn ouer behoort te weet en doen terwyl hul kinders deur Die Reis van die Dapper Hart werk. Dis kort en kragtig en dek:
Hoe om ʼn veilige ruimte te kweek vir jou kinders sodat hulle nie bang sal wees om teenoor jou oop te maak nie; waarbinne hulle hul emosies kan verwerk
Hoekom emosionele intelligensie so belangrik is vir die herstelproses
Praktiese maniere om kommunikasie tussen jou en jou kinders te fasiliteer en te verbeter
Hoe om enige wanopvattings wat gedurende en ná die egskeiding opgeduik het te hanteer
Hoe om die geestelike by die genesingsproses te betrek aan die hand van die Bybel
Wanneer om professionele hulp in te roep
Wees deel van die oplossing, deel in jou kinders se genesingsproses en beweeg saam vorentoe.
Format: eBook
Pages: 52
ISBN: 978-1-9993499-5-0

Emotional Intelligence

Safe Space

Better Communication

Improved Relationships

Since the divorce, 10 year old Liam hates feeling like his life is out of his control. He is angry about giving his dog away and moving house. In fact, he is angry all the time. He often feels down and can’t seem to bounce back to his usual upbeat self. He secretly wonders whether the whole divorce wasn’t actually his fault. When his father remarries, he finds the reality of a blended family very hard.
Can Liam deal with the strong emotions he feels and come to terms with living life with new family members?

Six year old Emily is left feeling insecure and lonely after her parents’ divorce. She is fearful of many things, including the possibility that her mother may leave too, just like her father did.
When her mother brings home a new boyfriend, Emily finds it very hard. The changes the divorce brings threaten to overwhelm her.
Is she brave enough to face her fears and all that tomorrow will bring?
Meet Our Fantastic Team of Recovery Heroes





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“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken adults”
— F. Douglass